May 24, 2012

A peek in the sewing room

Hi everyone! I'll be posting sneak peek photos soon and have the first of the last 3 fashions from the Blade Runner collection available for sale.  Meanwhile, check out my newest doll, my first pivotal Barbie sewing up a storm. How did you think I get these done? ;)


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Matt! I think if i add the pink sofa in the background it will add a pop of color :)

  2. HAHA! That's right, put Elvis barbie to work! XD

    I love that little setup you've already got there! So cute!

    New follower here, sent over from fashiondollfoto

    I can't wait to see sneak peaks! :)

    1. Thanks Heather! I cracked that whip on her today lol. I'm a blog newbie so I'm getting used to everything around here. Will check out your blog!

  3. Hello from Spain: I just discovered your blog and I really like your Barbie Pegasus. I also collect Barbies and I have a blog that I invite you to This Barbie is beautiful. The scene of Barbie in her sewing room is very nice and elegant.. Since I became a follower of your blog and if you keep in touch with blog blog

    1. Hola Marta! Bienvenida a mi blog! Thank you for your nice comments :) I will visit your blog and follow you also!


Your feedback is always appreciated. Thanks!